
Student Managament System

Primary LanguageJava

Student Management System Backend

About the project

Spring MVC Implementation for a Student System.

Getting started

  1. clone the repo for your workspace using this command git clone https://github.com/abdallahalseddek/Student-System.git
  2. configure the PostgresSQL database username & password according to your machine
  3. run the application using your IDE or maven commands
  4. you can execute this mock-data to test Get functions.
  5. use swagger to test the endpoints



Student System Allow the user to apply CRUD operation to Teacher, Student, Courses, and Quizzes.
System flow may b. e figured by having a look in the Entity Relational Diagram:


Dev run

  • mvn clean package -DskipTests=True


Hit swagger URL in browser Swagger

My Task List

  • Entities [Student, Teacher, Quiz, Course]
  • Service Layer [StudentService, TeacherService, QuizService, CourseService]
  • Controller Layer [StudentController, TeacherController, QuizController, CourseController]
  • XML Config [hibernate.xml, spring-context.xml, mvc.xml,web.xml]
  • Database Configuration
  • CRUD Operations
  • Github Upload
  • Swagger Documentation