Left Recursion Elimination for Context Free Grammars (CFG) implementation in java.

Primary LanguageJava


Left Recursion Elimination for Context Free Grammars (CFG) implementation in java.

1. Objective

In this project the context-free grammar (CFG) left-recursion elimination algorithm was implemented.

Recall that a CFG is a quadruple (V, Σ, R, S) where V and Σ are disjoint alphabets (respectively, containing variables and terminals), R ⊆ V × (V ∪ Σ)∗ is a set of rules, and S ∈ V is the start variable.

2 Requirements

  • We make the following assumptions about input CFGs for simplicity.
    • The set V of variables consists of upper-case English symbols.
    • The start variable is the symbol S.
    • The set Σ of terminals consists of lower-case English symbols (except the letter e).
    • We only consider CFGs with no cycles and no ε-rules.
  • A function LRE which takes an input string encoding a CFG and returns a string encoding an equivalent CFG which is not left-recursive is implemented.
  • A string encoding a CFG is a semi-colon separated sequence of items. Each item represents a largest set of rules with the same left-hand side and is a comma-separated sequence of strings. The first string of each item is a member of V , representing the common left-hand side. The first string of the first item is S.

For example, consider the CFG ({S, T, L}, {i, a, b, c, d}, R, S), where R is given by the following productions.

S −→ S c T | S a | T | b
T −→ a S b | i a L b | i
L −→ S d L | S

This CFG will have the following string encoding, spaces are added for the ease of reading.

S, ScT, Sa, T, b; T, aSb, iaLb, i; L, SdL, S

  • The function LRE will assume the ordering of variables as they appear in the string encoding of the CFG. Thus, in the above example, the variables are ordered thus: S, T, L.
  • LRE returns a string encoding the resulting CFG where a newly-introduced variable, for the elimination of immediate left-recursion for variable A, is the string A. The letter e denotes the empty string.
  • Thus, for the above example, the output should be as follows, spaces are added for the ease of reading.

S, TS' , bS' ; S', cTS', aS', e; T, aSb, iaLb, i;L, aSbS'dL, iaLbS'dL, iS'dL, bS'dL, aSbS', iaLbS', iS', bS'