
Table of contents

General info

This project is a test for a Android Developer position in ModuloTech

The App support 2 languages ( English , French) and it has also a Dark Mode

And the good thing that this app can change data RealTime for example when you change the temperature of a heater it will change directly without clicking another button


this project is created with:

  • Kotlin
  • Android
  • Gradle
  • JetPack Components

Choice of Architect

I've implemented this project following MVVM architecture and DataBinding

The project is devided into this packages :

  • Models : a package that contain the models
  • views : a package that contain views ( Fragment , Activities ) and it's View Models
  • utils : contain the logic
  • helpers : contain the methods to persist data
  • api : contain api endpoints
  • adapters : contain adapters

I've Used 2-ways-Data binding and combine it with MVVM architecture so it's really consistence

Choice of Persistence

To persist Data there was 2 choices :

  • SqLite
  • SharedPreferences

i've choose SharedPreferences because it makes reading the data very easy. and it's better to store a small amount of data

Choice of External Libraries

I've user this libraries :

  • mockito : to substitute Android dependencies with mock objects for Unit Testing
  • Retrofit : A type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java ( the most used one )
  • Gson : Data Serialisation / deserialization
  • Material Design : contain bunch of very good components developed by google


Proguard is activated even in Debug , the only rule added is don't obfuscate models attributes so Gson can work normally