Jenkins Maven Tool - Unit Tests and Integration Tests

Unit Tests vs Integration Tests:

  • The unit test run configuration is a part of the Maven default project configuration. Maven runs these tests automatically if following criteria are met:

    • The tests are in the directory src/test/java
    • The test class name either starts with Test or ends with Test or TestCase.

    Maven runs these tests during the Mavens' build lifecycle phase test. Surefire plugin is responsible for unit tests.

  • The integration test run configuration has to be done manually. It exists Maven plugins that can help. We want that the following criteria are met:

    • Integration tests are stored in the directory src/it/java
    • The integration test class name either starts with IT or ends with IT or ITCase

    Maven runs these tests during the Mavens' build lifecylce phase integration-test. Failsafe plugin is responsible for integration tests.

    We should configure Maven in a such way Surefire doesn't execute Integration tests and Failsafe doesn't execute unit tests. surefire doesn't execute Integration tests and Failsafe doesn't execute unit tests.

Running Unit Tests and Integration Tests Seperatel

Maven has a build lifecycle made up out of several phases. When you call a particular one, all phases before that one will be executed first. See

There are two ways how you could solve what you want: