
Api Proxy App built with laravel

Primary LanguagePHP

Laravel Proxy App


you must have docker-compose to run this script

and docker-compose requires

  • Docker Engine
  • Docker CLI


1 download the repose files

git clone git@github.com:abdallhsamy/laravel-proxy-app.git

2 navigate to the downloaded folder

cd laravel-proxy-app

3 download and install required dependencies

docker run --rm \
            -u "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
            -v $(pwd):/opt \
            -w /opt \
            laravelsail/php81-composer:latest \
            composer install --ignore-platform-reqs

4 pull and install the docker containers

./vendor/bin/sail up

5 install project dependencies

./vendor/bin/sail composer install

6 create .env file

cp .env.example .env 

7 generate app key

./vendor/bin/sail php artisan key:generate


Method : POST

URL : {{baseUrl}}/api/v1/proxy

Headers :

    "Accept": "application/json",
    "Content-Type": "application/json"

Request Example :

    "url": "https://reqres.in/api/users",
    "method": "post",
    "body": {
        "name": "Abdallah Samy",
        "job": "software engineer"

Response Example:

    "name": "Abdallah Samy",
    "job": "software engineer",
    "id": "84",
    "createdAt": "2022-10-30T11:28:25.583Z"

another one Request Example :

    "url" : "https://dummyjson.com/products/1",
    "method" : "get"

Response Example:

    "id": 1,
    "title": "iPhone 9",
    "description": "An apple mobile which is nothing like apple",
    "price": 549,
    "discountPercentage": 12.96,
    "rating": 4.69,
    "stock": 94,
    "brand": "Apple",
    "category": "smartphones",
    "thumbnail": "https://dummyjson.com/image/i/products/1/thumbnail.jpg",
    "images": [