Please star and fork it as your gratitude to my work! Thanks
- => version 1.0
- => version 2.0 (sending package through the server with API from header)
- NodeMCU ESP8266 v3
- DHT22 (Humidity Sensor Module)
- GY-65 BMP085 (Digital Atmospheric Pressure Module Altitude Sensor)
- DS18B20 (Temperature Probe)
- Install Arduino
- Install USB Driver CH340G
- Install Additional Board Manager ESP8266
- Open Arduino application
- Click File
- Click Preferences
- Insert "" in Additional Boards Manager URLs
- Click OK
- Click Tools
- Pick "NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module)" in Board
- Pick Upload Speed 115200
- DHT22 to ESP8266
- (+) black to 3V
- (-) grey to G
- (out) white to D2
- GY-65 BMP085 to ESP8266
- (VCC) to 3V
- (SDA) to D7
- (SCL) to D6
- (GND) to G
- DS18B20 to ESP8266
- (black) to G
- (red) to 3V
- (yellow) to D4
const uint16_t port = 14580;
const char * host = "";
WiFiClient client;
delay(5000); //
client.println("user PETSEL-13 pass 12984 vers WS-001 filter m/1");
delay (250);
You can get Passcode in