deploying a website to AWS EC2 Instance using Terraform and Ansible.

In this project, I used Terraform to provision an EC2 instance and used Ansible to configure it by installing Apache web server and coping my static website to it.


install Ansible

install Terraform

AWS Account -- with access key & secret access key.


1- create new directory

mkdir project_1 && cd project_1

2- copy file to your directory

3- add access-key and secret key to the file. -- access key and secret access key shouldn't be as plain text in the code but it's done for simplicity.

4- open the terminal and navigate to the directory and initiate teraform by

terraform init

5- create a key-pair using

ssh-keygen -f myblog-key

6- provision the server with

terraform apply
  • note : we created a new key-pair and added the public key to the ec2 instance and we will use the private key to connect to the server.

7- check the connection using

ssh -i "myblog-key" ubuntu@server-name

where myblog-key is the private key which would exist in > ~/.ssh/myblog-key

  • Now, we have our ec2 instance created and ssh, HTTP, HTTPS ports open. Next, we will configure our web server with ansible.

8- create new directory for ansible

mkdir ansible_configure && cd ansible_configure

9- add inventory.txt file into the directory

10- in the inventory.txt file, modify the ansible-host= {ip}>> with your instance IP and ansible-user with your server user also specify the location of your private key.

11- all apache-install.yml to your directory

12- create a folder named my-website and add your website files to it.

13- run the ansible playbook ausing

ansible-playbook apache-install.yml -i inventory.txt

14- Now, you can paste your instance IP into the web browser and enjoy your website ONLINE!