
The GitHub Action that publishes Primer packages to npm

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This GitHub Action publishes to npm with the following conventions:

  1. If we're on the master branch, the version field is used as-is and we just run npm publish --access public.
    • After publishing a new version on the master branch, we tag the commit SHA with v{version} via the GitHub API.
    • If the version in package.json is already published, we exit with a 78 code, which is Actions-speak for "neutral".
  2. If we're on a release-<version> branch, we publish a release candidate to the next npm dist-tag with the version in the form: <version>-rc.<sha>.
    • A status check is created with the context npm version noting whether the version field in package.json matches the <version> portion of the branch. If it doesn't, the check's status is marked as pending.
  3. Otherwise, we publish a "canary" release, which has a version in the form: 0.0.0-<sha>.

Status checks

Depending on the branch, a series of statuses will be created by this action in your checks: publish is the action's check, and publish {package-name} is a commit status created by the action that reports the version published and links to unpkg.com via "Details":


If you're on a release branch (release-<version>) and the <version> portion of the branch name doesn't match the version field in package.json, you'll get a pending status reminding you to update it:



To use this action in your own workflow, add the following snippet to your .github/main.workflow file:

action "publish" {
  uses = "primer/publish@master"
  secrets = [

You will need to provide an npm access token with publish permissions via the NPM_AUTH_TOKEN secret in the Actions visual editor if you haven't already. The GITHUB_TOKEN secret is also required to create tags after releasing on the master branch.

We suggest that you place this action after any linting and/or testing actions to catch as many errors as possible before publishing.



Default: false

Does everything publish would do except actually publishing to the registry. Reports the details of what would have been published.


action "publish" {
  uses = "primer/publish@master"
  secrets = ["GITHUB_TOKEN", "NPM_AUTH_TOKEN"]
  args = "--dry-run"


Default: .

Accepts a path to the directory that contains the package.json to publish.


action "publish" {
  uses = "primer/publish@master"
  secrets = ["GITHUB_TOKEN", "NPM_AUTH_TOKEN"]
  args = "--dir=packages/example"

npm CLI arguments

It's possible to pass additional arguments to npm via the args field in your workflow action. Because the primer-publish CLI accepts options of its own (such as --dry-run), you need to prefix any npm arguments with --:

action "publish" {
  uses = "primer/publish@master"
+  args = ["--", "--registry=https://registry.your.org"]