
Topology API in which you can read from and write into json files and apply some operations on each topology

Primary LanguageC++

Topology API

📙 About

An API library which provides the functionality to access, manage and store device topologies. built with OOP concept using C++ language and json libraries for dealing with json files, I chose c++ because it is a powerful language for dealing with pointers and oop and I like coding with it.

📝 Description

  1. Read a topology from a given JSON file and store it in the memory.
  2. Write certain topology from the memory to a JSON file.
  3. Query about which topologies are currently in the memory.
  4. Delete a given topology from memory.
  5. Query about which devices are in a given topology.
  6. Query about which devices are connected to a given netlist node in a given topology.

Classes Structure

Class Hierarchy

🏁 Getting Started



  • This class creates an object from the Application Manager class which is used to call the API and apply all functionalities
  • It contains the main loop of the program which allows the user to select which operation to perform


This class contains the memory of the API as a map of string which is the topology ID as a key of the map and pointer to topology as a value.

  • This class contains the functions of the API :-

    • ReadFromJson
    • WriteToJson
    • getTopologiesInMemoryQuere
    • DeleteTopology
    • DevicesInTopology
    • NodeDevices
  • Each functionality is validated completely in case a topology/node not found for example, etc...


  • This class is used to create topologies and connect devices with each others

  • it has a vector which contains the Devices which are stored and connected in each topology


  • This Class is used as an abstract class for 2 other classes which are two terminal devices and three terminal devices
  • in which I have implemented the common functions for any device

Two Terminal Device

  • This class inherts from the Device class and derives the Resistor class


  • The resistor inherits from class Two Terminal device and overrides function printDev() to add resistance as its type

Three Terminal Device

  • This class inherts from the Device class and derives the NMOS and PMOS


  • The NMOS inherits from class Three Terminal device and overrides function printDev() to add NMOS as its type


  • The PMOS inherits from class Three Terminal device and overrides function printDev() to add PMOS as its type


  • This class tests each function of class API

💻 Installing

git clone https://github.com/abdelazizSalah/APITopology

📷 Screenshots

Read JSON file


Write JSON


Query Topologies


Delete a topology


Query devices in a topology


Query devices with netlist node



