
A Neo4J djiskstra demo, part of EHTP's Java course.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm with Neo4j Integration

This Java project implements Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm with Neo4j graph database integration. It consists of two main classes:

Dijkstra Class


The Dijkstra class provides an implementation of Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm. It utilizes a Neo4j server connection to retrieve graph information.


Instantiate the class with a Neo4j server connection, start node, and end node. Call the djikstra method to compute the shortest path.


  • Dijkstra(Nserver graphDB, String startNode, String endNode): Constructor for the Dijkstra class.
  • HashMap<String, Double> getNeighbours(String nodeLabel): Returns a map of neighbors and their associated edges for a specified node.
  • ArrayList djikstra(): Applies Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest path.

Nserver Class


The Nserver class represents a connection to a Neo4j server and provides methods to interact with the graph database.


Instantiate the class with Neo4j server connection details. Use various methods to perform operations on the graph (create nodes, set properties, set relations, etc.).


  • Nserver(String uri, String username, String password): Constructor for the Nserver class.
  • Nserver(String uri, String username, String password, String targetGraph): Constructor with an option to specify a target graph.
  • void createNode(String nodeLabel): Creates an anonymous node with the specified label.
  • void createNode(String nodeReference, String nodeLabel): Creates a node variable with a label.
  • void setProperty(String nodeLabel, Nproperty property): Adds a property to a node with a label.
  • void setRelation(String firstNodeName, String secondNodeName, String relation): Sets a relation between two nodes.
  • void setRelation(String firstNodeName, String secondNodeName, double relation): Sets a relation with a double type.
  • void removeNode(String nodeLabel): Deletes a node and its associated relations.
  • List getRelations(String nodeLabel): Gets all relations outgoing from a node.
  • List getNeighbours(String nodeLabel): Gets neighbors of a target node.
  • ArrayList getAllNodes(): Retrieves all node labels in the graph.
  • String getTargetGraph(): Gets the target graph name.
  • void setTargetGraph(String targetGraph): Sets the target graph name.


Documentation can be found under the Docs folder, it provides a comprehensive view of all classes and methods, open index.html in your browser of choice to access it.


  • Neo4j Java Driver


This project is licensed under the MIT License.