
Les Tps du module architecture JEE et middleware

Primary LanguageJava

Architecture JEE and Middleware

Welcome to the Architecture JEE and Middleware repository! This repository hosts a collection of JAVA JEE & Spring Projetcs


1. Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control Implementation

This project showcases the implementation of dependency injection using both static instantiation (creating objects using new) and dynamic instantiation (utilizing configuration files and Spring framework through its XML and annotation-based methods). It emphasizes the importance of loose coupling over tight coupling by relying on interfaces rather than concrete classes, thereby enhancing the maintainability of the application.

2. Hibernate ORM Implementation with Spring Data

This repository demonstrates the implementation of Hibernate ORM using Spring Data, focusing on JPA entities, JpaRepository, database configuration, and creating RESTful APIs.

Technologies Used: Java, Spring Data JPA, Hibernate ORM, H2 Database (for testing), MySQL.

3. Server-side rendering : SpringMVC & thymeleaf

This repository demonstrates the development of a simple web application using Spring MVC and Thymeleaf. It covers essential aspects such as controller mappings, HTML templating with Thymeleaf, form submissions, request handling, and basic CRUD operations.