
An E-commerce Flutter application that allows users to shop online, browse product catalogs, create wish lists, add items to a cart, and complete purchases.

Primary LanguageDart

E-commerce App

🎯 About

An E-commerce Flutter application that allows users to shop online, browse product catalogs, create wish lists, add items to a cart, and complete purchases.

🚀 Features

  • Authentication With [Email & Password].
  • Sections of different categories.
  • Searching for any product.
  • Wish list and other lists.
  • Cart, checkout, and address views to complete your purchases
  • A profile view contains your information.

🚀 Technologies

  • State Management: GetX.
  • Architecture pattern: MVC (Model-View-Controller).
  • Authentication: Custom API.
  • Products API: Custom API.
  • Async Images downloader: cached_network_image.
  • Package: Shared Preferences.
  • Package: dartz.
  • Package: google_nav_bar.

🚀 Tools

The following tools were used in this project:

✅ Requirements

Before starting, you need to have Git and VS Code installed.

# Clone this project

$ git clone https://github.com/abdelrahman-elbattawy/ecommerce_app_flutter.git

🚀 Preview
