Partial Function Builder

Partial function builder is a simple utility that allows having functions with partially applied arguments to their named arguments using object destructuring.


This utility only supports -till now- supplying named partial arguments to one single argument that the original function accepts. You can check lodash's partial to apply partial arguments to positional arguments.

See usage for more details.


npm i @abdelrahman-elkady/partial-function-builder


Simple Usage

 const { toPartialBuilder } = require('@abdelrahman-elkady/partial-function-builder');

 const addAndMultiply = ({ n1, n2, n3 }) => (n1 + n2) * n3;
 const addPartialBuilder = toPartialBuilder(addAndMultiply);
 const multiplyWithThree = addPartialBuilder({ n3: 3 });
 multiplyWithThree({ n1: 1, n2: 1 }); // 6 .. expression evaluated is (1 + 1) * 3


 const { toPartialBuilder } = require('@abdelrahman-elkady/partial-function-builder');

 const add = ({ n1, n2, n3 }) => n1 + n2 + n3;

 const addPBuilder = toPartialBuilder(add);
 const partialOne = addPBuilder({ n1: 5 })

 partialOne({ n2: 2, n3: 3 }); // 10

 // Create a partial builder for the partial function `partialOne`
 const partialOnePBuilder = toPartialBuilder(partialOne);
 const partialTwo = partialOnePBuilder({ n2: 3 });
 partialTwo({ n3: 1 }); // 9


 const { toPartialBuilder } = require('@abdelrahman-elkady/partial-function-builder');

 const add = ({ n1, n2, n3 }) => n1 + n2 + n3;

 const addPBuilder = toPartialBuilder(add);
 const partialOne = addPBuilder({ n1: 5 })

 partialOne({ n2: 2, n3: 3, n1: 10 }); // 15


Credits: font awesome