Implementation of the skin detection algorithms in the paper ”A Survey on Pixel-based Skin Color Detection Techniques”, the algorithms including naive Bayes classifier, parametric single Gaussian and mixture of Gaussians models, and elliptic boundary model
- abdullah90ir
- AlaaElRahmanHamdy
- bashirmanafikhiManteq Systems & Information Technology
- bbosternakVirtooal
- bill41708
- bornroyal
- dengzy0404Beijing Jiaotong University
- Eason51
- gayathchandulaSri Lanka Institute of Information Technology
- HGS29
- Hongdong-Z
- janiceholmes
- KelvinKrampOpenSourceLooping
- KeunwooPark@OrdinaryMagicDev
- naiyue
- s96Abrar
- saivigNew Delhi, India
- Shelly-Z
- sherlockedleeXi’an Jiaotong University
- sudopowers
- swayamjitsahaMississippi State University
- ucalyptus2Africa
- wlongdong
- XingLiangLondon
- zhangshaokun999