
complete api for e store with express without user auth

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A basic e-store-API for the e-commerce platform

api is used in this site PcMart

this is api for e-store
you can create , update , delete and get all for products , categories and carts
using auth token from firebase,
no need to create user database in this project
firebase is handling user auth for us


How to start

  • download and install node.js

  • download and install PostgreSql

  • run the following command to install the dependencies:

        npm install

    you are now ready to go.


  • after downloading PostgreSql and install it

  • run the following command to connect to postgres:

        psql -U postgres

    to login to the database and write your password you created in the installation.

  • after login to the database, write the following command to create the database:

        CREATE DATABASE store_dev;
        CREATE DATABASE store_test;

Environment variables

  • put inside the .env file
    PORT=3000 #or any other port
    NODE_ENV=dev #{dev, test, production}
    DB_USER='...' # your postgres username
    DB_PASSWORD='...' # your postgres password
    DATABASE_URL='...' # connection string for ssl connection, production phase for heroku


  • To run the server

        npm run start
  • To run the server in development mode with nodemon

        npm run dev
  • To run db-migrate up to start the migration

        npm run migrate:up
  • To run db-migrate down to rollback the migration

        npm run migrate:down
  • To run prettier to format the code

        npm run prettier
  • To run eslint to check the code

        npm run eslint
  • To clean the code with prettier and eslint

        npm run format

Directory structure

    │   └───sqls
    │   └───support