
node js popups-file-dialog build in c on top of lib called tinyfiledialogs ported to work in node

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Popups File Dialog

NPM version NPM downloads MIT License

This is a simple file dialog 0 dependencies for windows, linux and macos.
build on library in c language called tinyfiledialogs.

sence it is build in c , so this lib is super fast unlike any library build in python i saw on npm

now listen, sense node is not natively have a file dialog
so i build this lib as a wrapper for the (tinyfiledialogs library build in c).
i made the cli version of the tinyfiledialogs library.
after that i build this lib as a wrapper for the cli version of the tinyfiledialogs library.
i did think of making the tinyfiledialogs library as a node addon, but this is too much work.
so i go for the easy way, and make the cli version of the tinyfiledialogs library.

still have a lot of work to do

i recently build the lib for windows and linux
i am to lazy to download macos and build the lib for macos
so if you have a macos and want to help me build the lib for macos
feel free to contribute to this lib.
compile and test the lib/vendors/src/cli.c for macos

also feel free to contribute to this lib in general, i am not a pro in c, so i am sure there is a lot of bugs in this lib.
i can really use some help.


const fileDialog = require("popups-file-dialog");
(async () => {
  const result = await fileDialog.openFile({
      title: 'Open File',
      startPath: './',
      filterPatterns: ['*'],
      filterPatternsDescription: 'all files',
      allowMultipleSelects: true,


multiple select windows


multiple select linux

(async () => {
const result = await fileDialog.openDirectory({
        title: "select folder please",


select folder windows


select folder linux


npm install popups-file-dialog
yarn add popups-file-dialog


git clone https://github.com/native-toolkit/popups-file-dialog.git
cd popups-file-dialog

Change log


  • added the saveFile method
  • fixed the startPath option for supporting directories with spaces in the name
  • some formatting and refactoring


  • add support for linux (finally)
  • fixed some bugs (a lot of bugs)
  • added the openDirectory method to select a folder
  • some formatting and refactoring


const fileDialog = require("../file-dialog");

const main = async () => {
  console.log(fileDialog.config.vendorPath); // check for the path of the vendor folder if the os is supported
  const result = await fileDialog.openFile({
    title: "Open File",
    startPath: "C:\\Users\\",
    filterPatterns: ["*.exe", "*.txt"],
    filterPatternsDescription: "exe files,txt files",
    allowMultipleSelects: true,

  const result2 = await fileDialog.messageBox({
    title: "Message Box",
    message: "Hello World",
    dialogType: "yesNoCancel",
    iconType: "info",
    defaultSelected: "yes",

table of content



super important, and big object, that contain all the config of the lib all the flags with the commands and the path of the vendor folder part of it:

config = {
  vendorPath: path.join(
    `${process.platform}${process.platform === "win32" ? ".exe" : ".app"}`
  availableCommand: {
    open: {
      name: "-open-file",
      flags: {
        title: {
          name: "--title",
          defaultValue: "open",
        startPath: {
          name: "--startPath",
          defaultValue: path.resolve("./"),
        filterPatterns: {
          name: "--filterPatterns",
          defaultValue: "*",
        filterPatternsDescription: {
          name: "--filterPatternsDescription",
          defaultValue: "",
        allowMultipleSelects: {
          name: "--allowMultipleSelects",
          defaultValue: "0",


open file dialog menu

example :

multiple select example:

const result = await fileDialog.openFile({
        title: "Open File",
        startPath: "./",
        filterPatterns: ["*"],
        filterPatternsDescription: "all files",
        allowMultipleSelects: true

image on windows 10:

multiple select

expected result:



option type default description example
title string "open" title of the dialog "Open File"
startPath string path.resolve("./") start path of the dialog "C:\Users\"
filterPatterns string[] ["*"] filter patterns of the dialog ["*.exe", "*.txt"]
filterPatternsDescription string "" filter patterns description of the dialog "exe files,txt files"
allowMultipleSelects boolean false allow multiple selects of the dialog true


save file dialog menu

example :

const result5 = await fileDialog.saveFile({
      title: 'Save File',
      startPath: 'C:\\Users\\pc\\Desktop\\New folder (36)\\test.txt',
      filterPatterns: ['*'],
      filterPatternsDescription: "all",

image on windows 10:

save file

expected result:

"C:\\Users\\pc\\Desktop\\New folder (36)\\test.txt"


option type default description example
title string "save" title of the dialog "Save File"
startPath string path.resolve("./default.txt") start path and file name "C:\Users\someFile.txt"
filterPatterns string[] ["*"] filter patterns of the dialog ["*.exe", "*.txt"]
filterPatternsDescription string "" filter patterns description of the dialog "exe files,txt files"


open folder dialog menu

example :

const result = await fileDialog.openDirectory({
        title: "Message Box",

image on windows 10:

select folder

expected result:



option type default description example
title string "open" title of the dialog "Open Folder"


promote message box

example 1:

const result = await fileDialog.messageBox({
        title: "Message Box",
        message: "Hello World",
        dialogType: "yesNoCancel",
        iconType: "info",
        defaultSelected: "yes"

image on windows 10:

message box

expected result:

yes -> 1
no -> 2
cancel -> 0

example 2:

const result = await fileDialog.messageBox({
        title: "Message Box",
        message: "Hello World",
        dialogType: "okCancel",
        iconType: "info",
        defaultSelected: "ok"

expected result:

ok -> 1
cancel -> 0

example 3:

const result = await fileDialog.messageBox({
        title: "Message Box",
        message: "Hello World",
        dialogType: "yesNo",
        iconType: "info",
        defaultSelected: "ok"

expected result:

yes -> 1
no -> 0


option type default description example available options
title string "message" title of the dialog "Message Box"
message string "message" message of the dialog "Hello World"
dialogType string "ok" dialog type of the dialog "okCancel" "ok", "okCancel", "yesNo", "yesNoCancel"
iconType string "info" icon type of the dialog "info" "info", "warning", "error","question"
defaultSelected string "ok" default selected of the dialog "ok" "ok", "cancel", "yes", "no"