parse email adapter for sending html email templates with parse platform like (verificationEmail, passwordResetEmail) or a custom email template. this adapter uses nodemailer as a dependancy.
for more about parse server:
$ npm install --save parse-server-email-template-adapter
//adapter options
const options = {
// ... nodemailer options,
templates: {
verificationEmail: path.join(__dirname, templatePath),
passwordResetEmail: path.join(__dirname, templatePath)
//import the module and pass the options
const adapter = require("parse-server-email-adapter")({...opt});
//export the options to be used in the parse server config
//export the sendMail function to be used in sending emails in cloud code
module.exports = {
parse server config
const path = require("path");
const mailAdapter = require(/*adapter.js path*/);
const parse = new ParseServer({
//...parse config
emailAdapter: {
module: "parse-server-email-template-adapter",
options: {
cloud code /cloud/main.js
const mailAdapter = require(/*adapter.js path*/);
const path = require("path");
Parse.Cloud.define("sendMail", (req, res) => {
to:, // "foo <>"
subject: req.params.subject, // email subject
template: path.join(__dirname /*template path*/),
templateData: {
/*template data*/
} // now you can use {{paramater}} in your template
.then(info => res.success("success"))
.catch(err => res.error(err));