
A new Flutter project made with Flutter clean architecture and Firebase.

Primary LanguageDart


A new Flutter project made with Flutter clean architecture and Firebase.

Getting Started

Please follow instructions that are presented in Flutter Docs to install flutter and prepare your machine to work with flutter SDK.

How to run the website

To run the test Project after installing Flutter properly from the previous steps please type the following in a Terminal/CMD window opened in the project folder.

flutter build web --web-renderer html

How to run the testing Project

To run the test Project after installing Flutter properly from the previous steps please type the following in a Terminal/CMD window opened in the project folder.

flutter test path/to/test/file

How to run the app via Docker

First open a terminal window in the project folder then type the following:

docker build . -t flutter_docker

After building the docker image and installing flutter with the previous command you will need to run the docker container with:

docker run -i -p 8080:5000 -td flutter_docker .

After that the app will be runing in the backgound and you could access it from: Test App