
React app providers some function from YouTube API v3 https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3 using Redux as root state management with routing by react-router-dom v4

Primary LanguageCSS

Build setup

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve at localhost:3000
npm start

# deploy the app
npm run build

# e2e-tests
npm run test

Built with

Library Version
react 16.7.0
react-router-dom 4.3.1
redux 4.0.1
react-redux 6.0.0
redux-thunk 2.3.0
enzyme 3.8.0
sinon 7.2.3
react-infinite-scroll-component 4.5.0
react-timeago 4.3.0
axios 0.18.0
query-string 6.2.0


The following is the example of directory:

      ├── src
      │   └── actions
      │   └── assets
      │   │   └── img
      │   │   └── sass
      │   └── components
      │   │   └── channel
      │   │   └── filter
      │   │   └── header
      │   │   └── list-renderer
      │   │   └── search
      │   │   └── video
      │   └── constants
      │   └── containers
      │   └── helper
      │   └── reducers
      │   └── store
      │   └── app.js
      │   └── app.test.js
      │   └── index.js
      │   └── serviceWorker.js


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