

This repository is an trombinoscope app implementing of the Laravel application / authentication starter kit frontend in Vue.js. - powered by Laravel Sanctum.



First, create a Vue.js compatible Laravel backend by installing Laravel Breeze into a fresh Laravel application and installing Breeze's API scaffolding:

# Create the Laravel application...

cd trombinoscope_backend

# Install Breeze and dependencies...
composer install

#copy .env.example to .env
cp .env.example .env

Next, ensure that your application's APP_URL and FRONTEND_URL environment variables are set to http://localhost:8000 and http://localhost:3000, respectively.

After defining the appropriate environment variables, you may serve the Laravel application using the serve Artisan command:

# Serve the application...
php artisan serve
cd trombinoscope_frontend

Finally, run the application via npm run dev. The application will be available at http://localhost:3000:

npm run dev

Note: Currently, we recommend using localhost during local development of your backend and frontend to avoid CORS "Same-Origin" issues.