
My dotfiles for Linux systems

Primary LanguageGLSL

Linux dotfiles

This is my collection of dotfiles for Linux systems, all stored in a bare git repo, and managed with the technique described at: https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/dotfiles.

To install on a freshly minted machine or container:

Setup Arch

Linux packages

TODO: Packages that need to be installed...

Xorg High DPI

1- Manually configure the monitor in the X11 config. https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/org#Monitor_settings

Section "Monitor"
  Identifier "Virtual1"
  Modeline "3840x2160_60.00" 712.34 3840 4152 4576 5312 2160 2161 2164 2235 -HSync +V
  Option "PreferredMode" "3840x2160_60.00"
  DisplaySize 597 336 # In millimeters

Modeline can be obtained by using an online calculator (Google). Exact display dimensions can be obtained either from the manufacturer specs or by calculating it based on the diagonal size.

2- Get the real DPI from `xdpyinfo grep -B2 resolution

   screen #0:
    dimensions:    3840x2160 pixels (598x336 millimeters)
    resolution:    163x163 dots per inch

3- Set the dpi in the X server command line at the display manager, e.g. for sddm, we add the '-dpi 163' to 'ServerArguments' in /etc/sddm/sddm.conf

Manual install additional packages

SDDM sugar-candy theme


sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/sddm/themes/sugar-candy &&
curl -s https://framagit.org/MarianArlt/sddm-sugar-candy/-/archive/v.1.1/sddm-sugar-candy-v.1.1.tar.gz |
sudo tar zxvf - -C /usr/share/sddm/themes/sugar-candy --strip-components 1.1


rustup default stable


sudo archlinux-java set java-17-openjdk


gem install neovim

Setup dotfiles

git clone --bare https://bitbucket.org/durdn/cfg.git $HOME/.cfg
function config {
   /usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.cfg/ --work-tree=$HOME $@
mkdir -p .config-backup
config checkout
if [ $? = 0 ]; then
  echo "Checked out config.";
    echo "Backing up pre-existing dot files.";
    config checkout 2>&1 | egrep "\s+\." | awk {'print $1'} | xargs -I{} mv {} .config-backup/{}
config checkout
config config status.showUntrackedFiles no

To edit dotfiles in vscode and have full access to git functionality, use the alias defined below:

alias dote=GIT_WORK_TREE=~ GIT_DIR=.dotfiles code ~

Finalize Git settings

git config --global user.name "$GIT_AUTHOR_NAME"
GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL="<Your Masked Address>"
git config --global user.email "$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL"

Finalize zsh setup

TODO: Install oh-my-zsh and plugins

Finalize vim setup

