
🔎 CaptainFact - Inject facts overlays on videos

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This repo holds the overlay injector script, that basically add facts onto videos. It is used by the browser extension, and can be integrated on any website freely.

You can check the live demo with various integrations or the production version used by the French channel Thinkerview on thinkerview.com


  • Basic injection
  • Dynamic configuration
  • Autosizing
  • Multiple videos on a single page


Declarative approach

Just specify a config object in window.CaptainFactOverlayConfig global key and import script. This is the way you usually want to go as it is simple and allows you to load the script asynchronously without worrying about waiting for it to be ready.

<!-- Overlay configuration, see details below -->
<script type="javascript">
  window.CaptainFactOverlayConfig = { /* Config here */ }

<!-- Import CaptainFact main script -->
<script src="https://embed.captainfact.io/captain-fact-overlay-injector.min.js" async/>

Imperative approach

You can also import the library and instantiate it yourself:

<script src="https://embed.captainfact.io/captain-fact-overlay-injector.min.js"/>


let injector = new window.CaptainFactOverlayInjector({ /* Config here */ })


(!) For now the overlay can only be injected to one video per page. It's not a small change to make, but we haven't done it yet.

window.CaptainFactOverlayConfig = {
  injector: {
    // Required

     * Function that selects all the nodes containing your video containers.
     * If `factsInjector` is not defined, facts will be added inside returned nodes.
    videosSelector: undefined,

     * Function that resolves URL for a given video
     * @param {object} video - The video tag as returned by videosSelector
    urlExtractor: undefined,

     * Function that resolves an URL for a given video
     * @param {object} video - The video tag as returned by videosSelector
     * @param {object} adapters - adapters list for different types of players.
     * Only `html5` is supported at the moment
     * You can also implement your own, check `src/lib/video_adapters/html5.js`
     * if you need an example.
     * Injector support a null return value, which can be used if you just
     * want to display facts without player binding.
    getPlayer: undefined,

    // Optional

     * By default, facts are added in a new div added to video children.
     * You can change this behaviour by setting a custom function here.
     * Mounting `visibilityToggle` is optional
     * @param mountFunc {function} - mount components (ex: mountFunc(myDiv, facts))
     * @param video - the video, as returned by videosSelector
     * @param facts - the facts component generator to pass to `mountFunc`
     * @param visibilityToggle - the visibilityToggle component generator to pass to `mountFunc`
     *                           (only for "overlay" display mode)
    factsInjector: undefined,
     * Function that return a list of HTML node where
     * CaptainFact ON / OFF toggle should be injected
    onOffToggleSelector: undefined,
  app: {
     * Display type
     * overlay (default) - a right sidebar appearing above video, with a button to show / hide it
     * block - a solid block to inject facts somewhere else. **You MUST specify factsInjector if using this mode**
    display: 'overlay',

      * Language used by default in UI: English
    language: 'en',

     * Add a slide effect on sidebar entrance / leave when using overlay display. This will add a 'overflow: hidden'
     * for your component. Turn this off if the animation breaks your UI.
    animate: true,
    * Enable autosize. It looks at parent container's size and adapt `baseSize` based on it 
    autoSize: true,
     * Minimum text size.
    baseSize: '15px',
     * Graphics resources URL. Can be used to override default icons
    graphics: {
      logo: {
        neutral: undefined,
        confirm: undefined,
        refute: undefined,
      newTab: undefined,
      star: undefined,
      next: undefined,
      prev: undefined,
      close: undefined

API methods

The injector these methods:

   * (static) Return the current lib version
   * @returns {string}

   * Enable the fact injector
   * @returns {boolean} - returns false if already enabled or mounted

   * Disable fact injector and unmount all mounted facts

   * Unmount existing overlay and reload everything (except configuration)
   * @returns {boolean} true if enabled, false otherwise
   * Autosize only triggers on window size change or fullscreen toggle.
   * If your application has special needs or resize events, you can use
   * this method to force autosize refresh

   * Change the locale for all instanced components
   * @param {string} locale - Two-chars locale ('en' or 'fr')


Start the API

It is strongly recommended to start the API locally from the official project: CaptainFact#240

However, if you're looking to contribute quickly you may find the Docker image pretty handy:

  • Install (if you don't have them):

  • Run docker-compose up - Start the API

Start the injector web-interface

  • Install

    • NodeJS, ideally using asdf-vm with NODEJS_CHECK_SIGNATURES=no asdf install
    • App dependencies: npm install
  • Run:

    • npm start - Start the injector web-interface
    • npm run test - Runs all unit tests

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