Blanja Mobile React-Native



Blanja is a app-based e-commerce application that allows buyers to order products of their choice. Consists of 2 types of users, namely buyers and sellers.


  • Browsing items
  • Order product
  • History transaction
  • Add or edit product (sellers only)
  • Chat with seller
  • Edit profile
  • Reset Password
  • etc

Requirements for Development

Installation for Development

  1. Open your terminal or command prompt
  2. Type git clone
  3. Open the folder and type npm install or yarn install for install dependencies from package.json
  4. Create file .env in root directory with the following contents :
BASE_URL = "your_ip_backend_API_URL"

Example :

so, you can write in .env file like this :

BASE_URL = "http://localhost:8000"
  1. Before run this project, you must configure and run backend. You can find backend for this project here
  2. Type npm run server in terminal for running backend.
  3. If you want to build this project, type react-native start --reset-cache then react-native run-android.