
##For the Spring 2015 PURE Research Project under Fardin Abdi

Whenever you upload a file or folder guys, just add a quick description of it here


  • Matlab function that takes in filename and applies a filter that detects the image and outputs the filtered image


edgeDetect(filepath, type, threshold, direction)

0 - canny method, optional threshold and direction
1 - sobel method, optional threshold and direction
2 - prewitt method, optional threshold
3 - roberts method, optional threshold
4 - laplacian of the gaussian, optional threshold and sigma


  • An IntelliJ Project using openCV to find a small image in a larger image given a template.

##Splice class

  • Class that handles splitting up a large image into smaller parts on the harddrive using a quadTree structure. Saves the image inside a folder with NW/SW/NE/SE folders
  • Allows the user to create a picture by specifying an x and y range.
  • Read .h file for function definitions


  • C++ Implementation of template matching
  • USAGE:
    • cannyEdge.cpp: cannyEdge ImagePath Threshold ImageSaveLocation
    • scaledMatching.cpp: scaledMatching templateFile fullFile imageSaveLocation -v verbose flag