Is a library that contains ** integer variables types** used in bmp.h
To determine the type of integer variables (used in bmp.h) whether it is signed integer or unsigned integer or whether the length of this integer variable is 8-bit , 16-bit or etc.
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What (in ASCII, decimal, or hexadecimal) must the first two bytes of any BMP file be? Leading bytes used to identify file formats (with high probability) are generally called "magic numbers."
bfsize represent* number of bytes of the bitmap file* , while bisize represent number of bytes in the BITMAPINFOHEADER structure
This makes a difference in how the image is stored in memory details so, if biHeight is negative ,the bitmap is a top-down DIBand its origin is the upper-left corner, which is mean that The top row of the image is the first row in memory, followed by the next row down. The bottom row of the image is the last row in the buffer. With a top-down DIB, the first byte in memory is the top-left pixel of the image.
if there isno file at all,so the program will face a segmentation error.
because any file contain just one BITMAPFILEHEADER and just one BITMAPINFOHEADER .( the third argument represent the quantity of the element (the struct)that the function will read)
is used to move file pointer associated with a given file to a specific position. in copy.c we copy file and it is skip over padding, if any.because ,this program will copy file content to the other file without any extra padding .
position from where offset is added,current position from where offset is added.