
1337 - 42 cursus (ft_printf project)

Primary LanguageC

# **************************************************************************** #
#                                                                              #
#                                                         :::      ::::::::    #
#    ft_printf                                          :+:      :+:    :+:    #
#                                                     +:+ +:+         +:+      #
#    By: aachhoub <aachhoub@student.1337.ma>        +#+  +:+       +#+         #
#                                                 +#+#+#+#+#+   +#+            #
#    Created: 2022/12/04      by aachhoub              #+#    #+#              #
#    Updated: 2022/12/04      by aachhoub             ###   ########.fr        #
#                                                                              #
# **************************************************************************** #


Variadic function, string manipulation, data conversion (Dec, Hex).


  • ft_putchar: prints a single character to the stdout.
  • ft_putstr: prints a string to the stdout.
  • ft_putnbr: prints an integer to the stdout.
  • ft_putnbr_u: prints an unsigned integer to the stdout.
  • ft_putnbr_base: prints an hexadecimal value to the stdout.
  • ft_print_memory: prints a memory address to the stdout.
  • ft_printf: man printf ( Just a part of it -_- )


Abdo Achhoubi