- app-assets/ (It is not recommend to change any files from this folder, use assets folder instead)
- css/
- css-rtl/
- data/
- fonts/
- images
- js/
- vendors/
- assets/ (Use folder for user customization purpose, you can add any custom css,js files & images in this folder)
- html/
- ltr/
- rtl/
- app-assets/ (It is not recommend to change any files from this folder, use assets folder instead)
- ltr/
- horizontal-menu-template/
- horizontal-menu-template-dark/
- horizontal-collapsed-menu-template/
- vertical-menu-template/
- horizontal-menu-template-dark/
- rtl/
- horizontal-menu-template/
- horizontal-menu-template-dark/
- horizontal-collapsed-menu-template/
- vertical-menu-template/
- horizontal-menu-template-dark/
- ltr/
- css/
- components/
- core/
- pages/
- plugins/
- themes/
- js/
- core/
- libraries/
- scripts/
- pages
- core/
- css/
- webpack.config.js
- webpack.common.js
- webpack.dev.js
- webpack.prod.js
- [×] initalize the project with
yarn init -y
- [×] install dependencies with
yarn add webpack webpack-cli webpack-dev-server webpack-merge
- [×] create folder structure
- [×] create webpack config files
- [×] set project's commands
"dev": "webpack serve --config ./webpackConfig/webpack.config.js --env env=dev --progress", "start": "webpack --config ./webpackConfig/webpack.config.js --env env=dev --progress", "build": "webpack --config ./webpackConfig/webpack.config.js --env env=prod --progress",
- [×] work with webpack config file
const {merge} = require('webpack-merge'); const commonConfig = require('./webpack.common.js'); module.exports = ({env}) => { const envConfig = require(`./webpack.${env}.js`); return merge(commonConfig, envConfig); }
- [×] work with webpack-dev config file
// webpack.dev.js: Webpack configuration only used by development mode. const path = require("path"); module.exports = { mode: "development", devtool: "eval-source-map", devServer: { static: { directory: path.resolve( __dirname, "../", "dist/ltr/horizontal-menu-template/" ), watch: true, }, port: 9000, open: true, client: { logging: "error", overlay: { errors: true, warnings: false, }, progress: true, }, devMiddleware: { writeToDisk: true, }, }, };
- [×] work with webpack-prod config file
// webpack.prod.js: Webpack configuration only used by production mode. module.exports = { mode: "production", };
- [×] work with webpack-common config file
- define entry, output
// webpack.common.js: shared Webpack configuration for development and production mode. const path = require("path"); module.exports = { entry: { index: Path.resolve(__dirname, "../", "src/js/core/main.js"), about: Path.resolve(__dirname, "../", "src/js/scripts/pages/about.js"), }, output: { path: Path.resolve(__dirname, "../", "dist"), filename: "app-assets/js/[name].js", clean: true, } }
- define loaders
- working with pug
yarn add -D pug pug-loader
module.exports = { ..., module: { rules: [ { test: /\.pug$/, loader: "pug-loader", options: { pretty: true, }, }, ], }, }
- working with css
yarn add -D css-loader style-loader
module.exports = { ..., module: { rules: [ ..., { test: /\.css$/i, use: ["style-loader", "css-loader"], }, ], }, }
- working with js
yarn add -D babel-loader @babel/core @babel/preset-env
module.exports = { ..., module: { rules: [ ..., { test: /\.js$/, exclude: /node_modules/, use: ["babel-loader"], }, ], }, }
// babel.config.js module.exports = { presets: ["@babel/preset-env"], };
- working with pug
- define plugins (CleanWebpackPlugin)
yarn add -D html-webpack-plugin glob clean-webpack-plugin
module.exports = { ..., plugins: generateHtmlPlugins("html"), }
// helpers.js const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require("html-webpack-plugin"); const glob = require("glob"); const path = require("path"); module.exports = { generateHtmlPlugins: (templateDir) => { const src = path.resolve(__dirname, "../", templateDir); // /home/algorithm/Desktop/forMe/me/my-projects/dashboards/dashboard/html const templateFiles = glob.sync(`${src}/**/*.pug`); /** [ '/home/algorithm/Desktop/forMe/me/my-projects/dashboards/dashboard/html/ltr/horizontal-menu-template/index.pug', '/home/algorithm/Desktop/forMe/me/my-projects/dashboards/dashboard/html/ltr/horizontal-menu-template/pages/about.pug' ] */ return templateFiles.map((file) => { // /home/algorithm/Desktop/forMe/me/my-projects/dashboards/dashboard/html/ltr/horizontal-menu-template/index.pug const base = file.split("html")[1].substring(1); // ltr/horizontal-menu-template/index.pug const name = base.split(".")[0]; // ltr/horizontal-menu-template/index const arr = name.split("/"); // [ 'ltr', 'horizontal-menu-template', 'index' ] const chunkName = arr[arr.length - 1]; // index return new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ filename: `${name}.html`, template: path.resolve(__dirname, "../../", `${file}`), chunks: [chunkName], }); }); }, };
- define entry, output