
this project is analytical and simulation codes for Hybrid-coded-uncoded-caching from bellow papers "Content caching for shared medium networks under heterogeneous users behaviors" Computer Networks, 2021 "Coded Caching Under Non-Uniform Content Popularity Distributions with Multiple Requests" IEEE WCNC 2020

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Download all files. run "SimulationMyhybridCache170297.m"

this project is analytical and simulation codes for Hybrid-coded-uncoded-caching from bellow papers "Content caching for shared medium networks under heterogeneous users behaviors" Computer Networks, 2021 "Coded Caching Under Non-Uniform Content Popularity Distributions with Multiple Requests" IEEE WCNC 2020


Abdollah Ghaffari Sheshjavani-

Ph.D.University of Tehran