
This is a website for a restaurant called Ristorante Con Fusion. It provides information about the restaurant, its menu, location, and contact details.

Technologies Used

This website is built using the following technologies:

HTML CSS Bootstrap Font Awesome How to Use To use the website, simply open the index.html file in a web browser.


Responsive design that works on different screen sizes. Navigation menu that allows users to easily navigate through the website. Home page that provides an introduction to the restaurant. About Us page that provides more information about the restaurant. Menu page that displays the restaurant's menu. Contact Us page that provides the restaurant's contact details and a form for users to send feedback.

Future Improvements

Some possible improvements for the website include:

Adding more pages, such as a page for making reservations. Improving the design to make it more visually appealing. Adding animations and interactive elements to make the website more engaging.


This website is based on a project from the Full-Stack Web Development with React Specialization on Coursera.