Commit viewer backend

A system to allow to query the github api commits and check for a repository availability publicly


to be able to install the system and use it please follow the steps below


Please make sure you have those dependencies installed to be able to run the system properly.

  • node js
  • yarn or npm

installing system dependencies

now make sure your terminal is on the root directory of the project then run.



npm install

configuring the env file

For the system to get up and work properly you need to create the .env file there is a file called .env.example you can copy and rename it to .env

then you can fill in the values by your desired values below is an example .env to make things easy for you


now your environment configs are ready

Running the server

for running the server you just need to run the below command

yarn build:run
npm run build:run

this will compile the typescript then run the node server you should now see this message

Server is running on http://localhost:3000/health

Running tests

This will run tests and output the coverage for the project

yarn test:coverage