Expenses Tracker 🫰 is a financial app that used to track daily Expense from you Income
Overview 🫵
- Every thing is programmatic UI, no storyboard.
- this app have user authentication either by username or pin number, it stores token in local storage.
- it displays your daily expenses and income in simple line chart.
- Expenses Tracker have a backend that is built with Node.js and mongoDB.
Installation - Clone / download this repository.
- change the bundle identifier in project settings.
- run the app.
Fetures - 100% Swift.
- MVC design pattern.
- programmatic UI.
- iPhone SE support.
- Native image caching using
- network request using URLSession async and await. with generic function.
- Custom alert view.
- User Authentication.
- Add Income and Expenses.
- Display Income and Expenses in line chart with table uisng UISegmentedControl.
- ImagePicker, Using Photos, and PhotosUI.
Author © Abdorizak Abdalla 2022
Credits - Charts by Daniel Gindi
- Expenses Manager API by Zaki Ahmed && Abdorizak Abdalla
License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details