
Exercises & Solutions for the BeScala Akka Hacking session

Primary LanguageScala


Initial state

In the initial version, only an Actorsystem (name Akka-Network-Ping) is created.

No Actors are created yet, but there's a command line parser that accepts the following commands from the command-line:

[pingerCount] pi|ping [pingCount] [pingInterval]

The ping (alias pi) will, in a subsequent exercise, create pingerCount Pinger actor(s) that will ping a single PingServer actor. The PingServer actor should respond to a Ping message with a Response message to the actor who sent the Ping message.

In this state of the application, messages are logged at INFO level.

Note that the logging output is directed to a log file named pingpong.log in the project's root folder.

The overall Actor hierarchy will looks as follows:

            |                                  |
       /pingMaster                           /pingServer
  |         |         |         |
/pinger1   /pinger2    ...      /pingerN

In the first exercise, you will set-up actors PingResponseCoordinator, PingMaster, Pinger and PingServer.

Exercise 1

In this exercise, you will define four actors, PingResponseCoordinator, PingMaster, Pinger and PingServer, each with an empty behaviour and a definition of the messages, Ping and Response, relevant to the protocol we want to implement.

Your tasks:

  1. Change the behaviour of the PingServer actor so that when it receives a Ping message, it responds to the sender of the message with a Response message. Note that both messages carry extra information:
  • sequenceNumber: a number that is unique for each Ping message for a particular Ping actor.
  1. In the Response response, the value of ref contained in the Ping message should be copied as-is.

  2. Change the behaviour of the Pinger actor so that, after creation, it will send pingCount Ping messages to the PingServer actor. The sequenceNumber should be incremented between subsequent Ping messages. For the time being, ignore pingInterval: just send the messages in rapid succession.

  3. Change the PingResponseCoordinator actor. When an instance of this actor is created, it should create a PingServer and a PingMaster actor as children. Name these actors pingServer and pingMaster respectively.

  4. When PingResponseCoordinator receives a CreatePinger message, it should forward this message to the PingMaster actor.

  5. Create the PingResponseCoordinator actor in PingResponseApp (look for the TODO in the code).

  6. Change the PingMaster behaviour as to create a Pinger child actor when it receives a CreatePinger message.

  7. Adapt the createPinger method in the PingResponseApp (look for the TODO in the code) as to send the appropriate messages to the right actor so that the requested number of Pinger actors are created.

  8. Run the application, run some ping commands and verify that the output is what is expected.

Exercise 1 - Solution and discussion

This code implements a solution for the stated tasks. However, some questions may be raised:

  • How to implement the pingInterval behaviour - when pingCount > 1: the first Ping should be sent immediately and subsequent Ping messages should be sent sequentially at pingInterval intervals.

  • In the current application, there's an obvious memory leak: Ping actors are created and, after having performed their task, are never stopped...

  • A number of tests have been added to the project that test the functionality of the Pinger and PingServer actors.

##Exercise 2 - Implementing pingInterval

  1. Change Pinger to send the Ping messages at the specified interval. Have a look at an actor's access to the scheduler (context.system.scheduler.*). Note that we always send pingCount messages, i.e. regardless of the number of Response messages that are sent back in response.

  2. Fix the memory leak, for example, let the Ping actor stop itself when it has done its job. For this, look at what's available under the actor's context.