
send tickets via email to user based on user's preference.

Primary LanguageRuby


send tickets via email to user based on user's preference.

Tech Used

  • Ruby - Ruby programming languge (2.6.6)
  • Ruby On Rails - Ruby on rails (5.2.6)
  • Send Grid - Send Grid to send Emails
  • MySql - Database to hold tickets & Users.

Features Implemented

  • After create a new ticket new notification with email send to related user.
  • Successfull email devlivery update ticket with status.
  • Define any upcomming notification service in NotifyHelper adding to RegisterServices and implement send function.
  • create and save User and Ticket to database.
  • Can Activate / Deactivate user from console.


Dillinger requires Ruby v2.6.6 to run.

Install the dependencies and creating database.

cd reminder


To use the project in development mode copy env.sample file to .env and replace varibles inside

cp env.sample .env
rails c

To run tests

