👋 Hi, I’m @awallli
👀 I’m interested in Philosopher/ Business consultant/ Academic supervisor
🌱 I’m currently learning everything possible related to philosophy and participations as theologian, English/Arabic philosopher, Andlusia.speaker and other names created for educational purpose as refering to open air-learning education. Using Artificial tehcnologies, I play as dialogist/ Facebook groups/Brainstorming, Philosphy, theology As academic learner, I work on research methodologies, develop scientific methods, and use existing models for replication in different contexts. Survey development, validation process, SLR, Qualitative/quantitative, SPSS, Anova, R, ATLAS.ti, Amos, Liseral, Stata
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on project to reactive existentialism or participate at other philosphical dialect reasonable to flourish. to promote entrepreneurship networking, aritifical intellegence, creation of new jobs and creating positive learning enivornment.
📫 How to reach me: A.walli@outlook.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/I.am.a.Philosopher Mobile: for contracted businesses