
Modeling, cleaning, initializing and analyzing data to extract insights about company sales and growth, influential and declining markets using Workbench, Power Pi,ETL


Modeling, cleaning, initializing and analyzing data to extract insights about company sales and growth , influential and declining markets using Workbench, Power Pi,ETL


Data Analysis Using SQL

  1. Show all customer records

    SELECT * FROM customers;

  2. Show total number of customers

    SELECT count(*) FROM customers;

  3. Show transactions for Chennai market (market code for chennai is Mark001

    SELECT * FROM transactions where market_code='Mark001';

  4. Show distrinct product codes that were sold in chennai

    SELECT distinct product_code FROM transactions where market_code='Mark001';

  5. Show transactions where currency is US dollars

    SELECT * from transactions where currency="USD"

  6. Show transactions in 2020 join by date table

    SELECT transactions.*, date.* FROM transactions INNER JOIN date ON transactions.order_date=date.date where date.year=2020;

  7. Show total revenue in year 2020,

    SELECT SUM(transactions.sales_amount) FROM transactions INNER JOIN date ON transactions.order_date=date.date where date.year=2020 and transactions.currency="INR\r" or transactions.currency="USD\r";

  8. Show total revenue in year 2020, January Month,

    SELECT SUM(transactions.sales_amount) FROM transactions INNER JOIN date ON transactions.order_date=date.date where date.year=2020 and and date.month_name="January" and (transactions.currency="INR\r" or transactions.currency="USD\r");

  9. Show total revenue in year 2020 in Chennai

    SELECT SUM(transactions.sales_amount) FROM transactions INNER JOIN date ON transactions.order_date=date.date where date.year=2020 and transactions.market_code="Mark001";


Here report example

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