
Idea submission and searching app for developers and students


Idea submission and searching app for developers and students

Sprint 1.1: Database Setup

Research and choose appropriate database technology (SQL or NoSQL)
Set up database and define the schema
Test database connectivity and functionality

Sprint 1.2: Project Idea Creation

Design form for project idea creation
Implement form validation
Store project ideas in database

Sprint 1.3: Search Functionality

Implement search form
Connect search form to database to retrieve project ideas
Display search results to users

Sprint 1.4: User Authentication

Research and choose user authentication technology (such as Auth0 or custom code)
Implement user authentication
Test user authentication functionality

Sprint 1.5: User Interface Design

Design user interface for project idea creation, search form, and search results pages
Implement design using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Test user interface for usability and accessibility

Sprint 1.6: Basic Styling

Add basic styling to user interface
Test design for responsiveness on different devices and screen sizes

Sprint 1.7: Testing and Debugging

Test web application thoroughly
Debug and fix any issues found
Update documentation as needed

Sprint 1.8: Deployment

Choose hosting provider or server
Deploy web application
Test deployment and fix any issues found
Update documentation with deployment details.