
Microcontroller Programming on TI Tiva C Series TM4C123GH6PM

Primary LanguageC


Microcontroller Programming on TI Tiva C Series TM4C123GH6PM, ARM Cortex M4 core


Getting Started
Code for blinking an led on the Tiva board

GPIO Switch Control
Control a switch using GPIO to turn on an LED

Sequential LED
Control a switch using GPIO to turn on an LED in a sequential pattern: Red-->Green-->Blue. Each button press turns on either red, blue or green and the next button press turns on the next LED in the sequence and so on.

Delay using Systick
Generate a delay using systick timer of the ARM Cortex M4 core.

Systick and GPIO Interrupts
Use Systick and GPIO interrupts to turn on an LED for a fixed duration.

PWM control by switches
Generate a PWM signal whose duty cycle can be controlled by GPIO Switches.

PWM control by duration
Generate a PWM signal whose duty cycle can be controlled by duration of the switch press.

UART character receive and transmit using interrupts.


  1. Systick Timer Interrupt Programming TM4C123 ARM Cortex M4
  2. GPIO Interrupts TM4C123 Tiva Launchapd - Edge Triggered and Level
  3. Using SysTick with Interrupt | Embedded systems
  4. LuisAfonso95/TM4C123-Launchpad-Examples
  5. LPC1768: SysTick Timer - Tutorials
  6. Starter files for embedded systems
  7. https://users.ece.utexas.edu/~valvano/arm/tm4c123gh6pm.s