
A pluggable Django app to publish audio tracks

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


A Django app to publish audio tracks.

https://travis-ci.org/amarandon/django-audiotracks.png?branch=master https://coveralls.io/repos/amarandon/django-audiotracks/badge.png?branch=master


django-audiotracks is a simple Django app that allows your users to publish audio tracks in various formats (Ogg Vorbis, Flac, MP3, WAV). It ships with a default Track model, a set of views, default templates, podcast feeds and sensible default URL configuration. It uses mutagen to extract metadata from audio files. PIL is required to process images that can be attached to tracks.

Default templates include the audio player from MediaElement.js. I've added some custom code for listing pages so that when a track ends playing, the next one starts playing automatically.


Using PyPi

You can install django-audiotracks from PyPI using pip:

$ pip install django-audiotracks

From GitHub

Clone the repository with:

$ git clone git://github.com/amarandon/django-audiotracks.git

Then install the audiotracks package in your Python path. A setup.py script is provided. You can use it with a command such as:

$ cd django-audiotracks
$ python setup.py install

Or if you wish to modify the code:

$ python setup.py develop

Run the example project

If you get django-audiotracks from GitHub, an example project styled with Twitter Bootstrap is provided with the source code. You can run it like this:

$ cd <django-audiotracks_source_dir>/example_project/
$ python manage.py syncdb      # Create initial user at this stage
$ python manage.py runserver

Log in and start uploading tracks.

Add audiotracks to your app

Edit settings.py and add audiotracks to your list of INSTALLED_APPS. Then synchronize your database with:

$ python manage.py syncdb

Edit your ROOT_URLCONF and add a piece of code similar to:

urlpatterns += patterns('',
    # Here we mount the app under /music. Feel free to use something else
    url("^music", include("audiotracks.urls")),
    # Some URLs require a Django username
    url("^(?P<username>[\w\._-]+)/music", include("audiotracks.urls")),

Visit the URL /music/upload to upload your first track.



  • View function: upload_track
  • Default URL: <app_mount_point>/upload

This view allows authenticated users to upload a new audio file. Metadata is extracted from the file and used to prefill track attributes. Users get redirected to the edit view.


  • View function: edit_track
  • Default URL: <app_mount_point>/edit/<id>

Allow users to edit track attributes such as title, artist name, etc., upload an image to attach to the track or change the audio file. Modified metadata is stored back into the audio file itself if the format supports it (eg. it won't work with a WAV file).


  • View function: track_detail
  • URL: <app_mount_point_containing_username>/track/<slug>

Display track. The URL pattern must capture a username argument, it will be used in the query to select the track. For example, if the app is mounted using the pattern "^(?P<username>[\w\._-]+)/music", a URL such as /bob/music/track/love-forever will look for the track which slug is love-forever and has been uploaded by bob. A user who is logged in and owns the track can see links to the edit page for this track.


  • View function: confirm_delete
  • Default URL: <app_mount_point>/confirm_delete/<id>

This is a confirmation page before deletion. Link to this page if you want to provide a link to delete a track.

  • View function: delete_track
  • Default URL: <app_mount_point>/delete (takes id as POST a param)

This view takes a track id as a POST parameter and delete the corresponding track.

User tracks listing

  • View function: user_index
  • Default URL: <app_mount_point_containing_username>/

If the app is mounted with a pattern containing a username such as "^(?P<username>[\w\._-]+)/music", a URL such as /bob/music will display a list of tracks uploaded by bob.

Latest tracks listing

  • View function: latest_tracks
  • Default URL: <app_mount_point>/

Show latest tracks by all users.

Podcast feeds

  • View function feeds.choose_feed
  • Default URL: <app_mount_point>/feed and <app_mount_point_containing_username>/feed

Choose user feed or global feed depending on whether or not URL contains a username parameter

M3U playlists

  • View function views.m3u
  • Default URLs: <app_mount_point>/m3u and <app_mount_point_containing_username>/m3u

Serve an M3U playlist file.



Default: audiotracks.Track (string)

If the default Track model doesn't satisfy your needs, you can define your own track model that inherits from audiotracks.models.AbstractTrack. For instance if you wish to add tagging you might define a model like this:

class MyTrack(AbstractTrack):
    tags = TagField(_("Tags"))

Use the AUDIOTRACKS_MODEL setting to tell django-audiotracks about your model, using the convention <app_name>.<model_class_name>. So if your model is called MyTrack and is located withing the app myapp, use this setting:



Default: 10 (integer)

Use this setting to specify how many tracks podcast feeds should contain.


Default: 10 (integer)

Use this setting to specify how many tracks to display per listing page.