
Flickr Image Searching app using RxSwift, MVVM-C

Primary LanguageSwift



  • Xcode 11.5
  • iOS 13+


App is consist of two screen and has below featues

  1. Searching : Search images through tags.
  2. Infite Srolling : Get the new search results by scrolling.
  3. Caching : You can search images from local database in case of internet unavailibilty.
  4. Full Screen View : You can tap on image to view the image in big size

Overall Architecture

App is based on MVVM-C architecture. Structure is broken down by the general purpose of contained source files. Below are the dependencies used in the project

  1. RxSwift : Used to bind the flow between layers
  2. SDWebImage : Used for networking.
  3. NVActivityIndicatorView : Used to show loading states.
  4. SwiftLint : A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions, loosely based on GitHub's Swift Style Guide.

Flickr API Documentation

Images are retrieved by hitting the Flickr API.

  • Search Path:
  • Response includes an array of photo objects, each represented as:
    "id": "23451156376",
    "owner": "28017113@N08",
    "secret": "8983a8ebc7",
    "server": "578",
    "farm": 1,
    "title": "Merry Christmas!",
    "ispublic": 1,
    "isfriend": 0,
    "isfamily": 0

To load the photo, you can build the full URL following this pattern:


Thus, using our Flickr photo model example above, the full URL would be:
