Continuous Deployment of sample application to aws using VSTS and Terraform

In this repo are files needed by vsts to provision an aws instance then initilise it by starting a docker-compose up.


The image shows the flow.

  1. A developer triggers the pipeline with either a commit to git to this repo (no yet enbled) or directly on vsts.
  2. Starts pipeline in vsts which invokes terraform.
  3. Terraform jobs provision aws instance
  4. Docker-compose installs and starts 2 instances (docker containers) of http-echo with an NGINX load balancers

VSTS link :


Test would be done manually by a user by visiting on a web browser the aws domain as can be found in the logs of the ferraform job. The fist instnace of the app (http-echo) is on port 8080 (example and the second is on 8181 (example the load balanced app is on port 80 (example


  1. automated test
  2. persist terraform state file arrors multiple releases
  3. use ansible to configure instances
  4. add git trigger for the release.