
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

BASIS: Behavior Acquisition through Successor-feature Intention inference from Samples

Official source code from the paper "Basis for Intentions: Efficient Inverse Reinforcement Learning using Past Experience"

project site | arxiv

A diagram of BASIS


This repo was designed for python 3.7.9. Dependencies are listed in requirements.txt

Running Experiments

agents/ contains all experiment scripts, including RL pre-training (Learning a Basis for Intentions) in agents/pretraining_forward.py and Inferring Intentions with IRL in agents/irl.py We include all default hyperparameters in config/default.yaml, with domain-specific configs in config/domain and mode-specific configs in config/mode. By default all training scripts log to wandb online. To turn this off, set WANDB_MODE to offline in misc/utils.py

Recommended Experiment Workflow:

For all experiments, you will run:


To specify the mode and domain, index into the appropriate parameter in main.py We recommend the following workflow for training a BASIS agent:

  1. Train a pre-trained by setting mode to multitask-forward and training until the reward converges on wandb.
  2. Train the expert agent with preferences I would like the BASIS agent to infer (randomly generated) by setting mode to expert, similarly training till convergence.
  3. After learning the expert policy, collect the expert trajectories by setting mode to play-expert and set the config.demonstrations parameter in the appropriate domain config file.
  4. Set mode to irl and run the IRL phase to see the performance of the basis agent inferring the experts preferences.

If you would like to run the ablation of multi-task IRL pre-training:

  1. Collect expert trajectories for all tasks by setting mode to play-multitask-forward, setting traj_task_id in config/mode/play-multitask-forward.yaml to the series of task indices (i.e. 0,1,2 for 3 tasks).
  2. Train a pre-trained by setting mode to multitask-irl and training until the reward converges on wandb.
  3. Resume from step #2 in the previous set of instructions.

Repo Overview

  • All models from each mode will be saved and loaded automatically.
  • agents/ contains all scripts for each agent type.
  • config contain all the configs with default, domain, and mode-specific parameters
  • envs contain all environment files for Fruitgrid, Highway, and Roundabout Domains used in the paper.
  • misc contains utils
  • networks/ contains model files (for both simple and image features.)