MAIIA - Backend Technical Test


  • Java
  • Gradle
  • npm/yarn


The backend is a SpringBoot project using Gradle. You can open it in your favorite IDE and run it as a SpringBoot app.

You can also run it through your CLI

You can run the app with the following command

./gradlew bootRun

If you want to run unit tests in CLI :

./gradlew test


First, you need to cd into the right folder

cd ./client

Then install the project dependencies:

yarn install

Finnaly you can run the development server:

yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see instructions for the technical test. By default, all API calls will be redirected to http://localhost:8080


The instructions work best with Visual Studio Code which provides an API to open local files directly from the browser by clicking a link.

If you favor another text editor providing a similar API feel free to modify src/components/EditorLink.tsx to suit your needs.