
fast cracking tool

Primary LanguageObjective-C

    ___ _       _       _
   / __\ |_   _| |_ ___| |__
  / /  | | | | | __/ __| '_ \
 / /___| | |_| | || (__| | | |
 \____/|_|\__,_|\__\___|_| |_|

 High-Speed iOS Decryption System


ttwj - post 1.2.6 NinjaLikesCheez - post 1.2.6

dissident - The original creator of Clutch (pre 1.2.6) Nighthawk - Code contributor (pre 1.2.6) Rastignac - Inspiration and genius TheSexyPenguin - Inspiration dildog - Refactoring and code cleanup (2.0)

Clutch is currently being rewritten - please don't expect this build to work, that's what Alpha means.