Task resolution process:

  • Fork the repo
  • Clone the forked repo to your local machine
  • Resolve the task
  • Commit your solution
  • Push to GitHub
  • create a pull request

Task 3:

This is an intermediary task, you will have to complete the task to move to the next one.

create the following API endpoints

  • return all products, you have to query the database somehow like for example: Product.objects.all(), then return the result QuerySet as a dictionary so Django-Ninja can serialize it to JSON.
GET /api/products
Content-Type: application/json
  • return all addresses, so you have to query the database to return all addresses: Address.objects.all(), then like in products endpoint, return a dictionary.
GET /api/addresses
Content-Type: application/json

Bonus task:

Instead of returning the related models as an ID, which is the default behaviour, you should return the related model data!

Hint: If you apply what you learned until now, you can solve the tasks, including the bonus task! Think well!


  • You can refer to Django docs, Django-Ninja docs, online research, or any cheating/copy-paste method you prefer ;)
  • You can use what ever tools comfortable, packages, third party libraries, etc...