A simple yet powerful Notepad application built using C# and Windows Forms. This Notepad supports both plain text (.txt) and rich text (.rtf) formats, providing essential features for creating, editing, and saving text documents efficiently.
File Handling:
Open, Save, and Save As functionalities with support for both plain text (.txt) and rich text format (.rtf). Prompts to save unsaved changes before opening a new document or closing the application, ensuring no work is lost.
Text Formatting:
- Font selection: Customize the font style for selected text or the entire document.
- Font color: Modify the font color for selected text or apply it to the entire document.
- Background color: Change the background color for the text area or for selected portions of text.
- Rich Text Support: Load and save documents with rich text formatting, including fonts, colors, and styles.
User Interface:
Simple and intuitive design to enhance user experience. Provides clear prompts and confirmations when closing, opening, or creating new files.
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/abdullahazmy/Notepad.git
- Open the solution in Visual Studio.
- Build and run the project.