React before after slider component

Simple slider component for comparing images. Before and after.

screencast demo



npm run build:npm

Basic usage

npm install react-before-after-slider-component --save

Then use it in your app:

import React from 'react';
import ReactBeforeSliderComponent from 'react-before-after-slider-component';
import 'react-before-after-slider-component/dist/build.css';

const FIRST_IMAGE = {
  imageUrl: ''
const SECOND_IMAGE = {
  imageUrl: ''
/* ... */
/* ... */


Attribute Required Type Default Description
firstImage true Image Image object with source url.
secondImage true Image Image object with source url.
delimiterColor false string #fff Custom delimiter background color.
currentPercentPosition false number 50 Start delimiter position. Or also the current position, if it will change in parent.
className false string Custom classname.
withResizeFeel false boolean true Feeling to window resizing.
onReady false function On slider ready callback.
onVisible false function On slider visible in viewport callback.
onChangePercentPosition false function On delimiter position update callback. Has new position parameter.
feelsOnlyTheDelimiter false function false Only the separator feels clicks. Not any zone of the component.
delimiterIconStyles false React.CSSProperties Custom styles of delimiter icon. E.g. for a logo. See "Custom logo example"

Specific Types

interface Image {
    imageUrl: string,
    alt?: string,

Custom logo example

// Pass this as a delimiterIconStyles property
const delimiterIconStyles = {
   width: '50px',
   height: '50px',
   backgroundSize: 'cover',
   borderRadius: 'none',
   backgroundImage: 'url(<some-path-here>)'