
Using numpy, matplotlib, sklearn libraries, how can you predict whether a person has Parkinson’s disease or not?

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Parkinsons Disease Prediction

Using numpy, matplotlib, sklearn libraries, how can you predict whether a person has Parkinson’s disease or not?

  1. Feature Selection:
  • Explain the process of feature selection for Parkinson's disease detection. What features are commonly considered, and how do they contribute to the model's accuracy?
  1. Data Preprocessing:
  • Describe the essential steps in preprocessing the dataset for a Parkinson's disease detection model. How do you handle missing data, outliers, and ensure data quality?
  1. Algorithm Selection:
  • Compare the performance of different machine learning algorithms for Parkinson's disease detection. What factors influence your choice of algorithms, and how do they handle the specific characteristics of medical datasets?
  1. Cross-Validation Techniques:
  • Discuss the importance of cross-validation in evaluating the performance of your model. Explain the use of k-fold cross-validation and how it mitigates overfitting in the context of Parkinson's disease detection.
  1. Imbalanced Datasets:
  • Parkinson's disease datasets often exhibit class imbalance. How would you address this issue during the training phase, and what metrics would you use to evaluate model performance?