This project is web auction application for an antique items seller. The application will allow users to bid on antique items displayed in the site and admin users to set up items for auction. Product management and auctioning are within the scope of the applicationl; shopping cart and payment integration are not.
- Install .Net Core 3.1 SDK
- Install Node.js
- username: user1 password: abc123
- username: user2 password: xyz987
The onion architecture, overcomes the issues of the layered architecture with great ease. With Onion Architecture, the game changer is that the Domain Layer (Entities and Validation Rules that are common to the business case ) is at the Core of the Entire Application. This means higher flexbility and lesser coupling. In this approach, we can see that all the Layers are dependent only on the Core Layers.
Here is a list of features and tech we will be using for this project.
- Onion Architecture
- Domain Driven Design
- Angular
- Entity Framework Core
- .NET Core 3.1 Library / .NET Standard 2.1 Library / ASP.NET Core 3.1 WebApi
- Swagger
- AutoQuery (Query and Pagination)
- Coravel (Scheduler)
- Linkedin - Abdullah Farooq