Machine Learning Projects

Welcome to my Machine Learning Projects repository! This repository contains a collection of my personal projects related to machine learning. Each project explores different aspects of machine learning, including data preprocessing, model training, evaluation.

Getting Started

If you're interested in exploring any of the machine learning projects, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine using the git clone command.
  2. Navigate to the project folder you want to explore.
  3. Read the project's file to understand the problem statement, methodology, and results.
  4. If available, check the Notebook for the source code and scripts related to the project.
  5. If the project uses a dataset, you can find it in here.

Feel free to explore the projects, experiment with the code, and provide any feedback or suggestions. I hope you find these machine learning projects informative and inspiring!


This repository is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute the code and project files to suit your needs.