
A minimal Jekyll portfolio template. It has now been replaced by https://github.com/abdullahibneat/next-portfolio

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Jekyll portfolio template

This branch contains the template currently used in my online portfolio. It has been developed using HTML and Liquid for use with Jekyll. A demo can be seen running at https://abdu.io. The HTML source can be found on the html-template branch.

Render of the template

Getting started

For use with GitHub Pages

Fork this repository, naming your repository in the following format: yourusername.github.io if you plan to use GitHub Pages.

Configuring Jekyll

Configure the _config.yml file with your own details. Use the comments as a guide. Remember to change the URL to https://yourusername.github.io. It is important to include http:// or https:// at the beginning of the URL.

Logo and images

The logo is now text based and can be changed from the _config.yml configuration file. The main media resources are stored in the assets/media folder. You might want to replace the favicon with your own one, as well as changing the siteFT.jpg image used for social network purposes (i.e. the image displayed on Twitter or Facebook when your website is linked).

Creating a new article

Create a new article by simply creating a new .md file within the _posts folder. The following naming convention must be used for the template to work properly: YYYY-MM-DD-your-title.md. The file should be structured as follows:

title: "Your article title"
description: "A brief description of the article"
layout: post

media-folder: "ArticleImages"
featured: "ft.jpg"
tags: [featured]
skills: [my, awesome, skills]

My article is about this content.
Name Description
title Required. The title of the article
description Required. A brief description of the article
layout Required. The layout of the document. This is an article, or post.
media-folder Create a folder in the assets/media folder to use this variable. Such folder will contain images to be used in the article.
featured The name of the featured image within the above folder. It will be displayed on the index page as well as at the top of the post.
tags *An array of tags. If the tag featured is used, the post will be displayed in the featured projects section on the homepage. *
skills An array of skills to be displayed on the project container in the homepage, as well as underneath the title in the post.

Creating a new page

Create a new .html file on the root of the repository. The page should follow the following structure to be on par with the theme:

layout: page
title: My new page
permalink: /test-page.html

This is a new .html page. I can use standard <a href="https://www.w3schools.com/Html/">HTML</a> tags if I wish to.
Name Description
layout Required. The layout of the document. This is a page
title Required. The title of the page
permalink Required. The file name of the page